Sunday, March 22, 2015

How is Globalization Changing Culture?

          Current flows of globalization are increasing the diffusion of ideas, goods, and people. Culture is influenced by these factors through trade, migration, or invasion. Globalization creates more interactions between cultures through three main effects on local cultures. Global products, markets, and corporations have contributed to a homogenized culture. Anthropologists fear this process will decrease the world’s culture diversity because foreign influences are flooding local culture’s practices and ways of thinking.
            However, global culture represents the opportunity for developing cultures to achieve economic advancements and is able to participate in middle-class lifestyle by consumption of idealized products. A two-way transference of culture through migration shows that cultures aren’t bound to a certain geographic location. Large numbers of people move with their cultural beliefs and practices. They bring practices from their culture to their new communities. For example, direct flights show links across national borders that are now common in our globalizing world. The airlines physically link immigrants to their hometowns. On the United States Department of Transportation quotes Lawrence H. Summers, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Treasury in stating transportation is the key to globalization through connecting industries. The website also gives four key action that have changed economic activities through globalization.
            Globalization has also allowed worldwide access to new and exciting cultural patterns. Local cultures have benefitted from ideas within medicine and agricultural strategies. The linking of cultural practices, values, and norms across the world has lead to a new cosmopolitanism, or an outlook that combines both universality and difference. Urban professionals travel and feel at home in different parts of the world. I came across a website depicting examples of globalization, one section dedicated to globalization in blending cultures. It stated examples such as food being served in countries where it wasn’t originally from.

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